Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

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  • Construction of Sustainable Waste Water Treatment System in the part of Bucovat municipality

Construction of Sustainable Waste Water Treatment System in the part of Bucovat municipality

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Moldova
Implementing Organization DEKONTA Slovensko, spol. s r.o.
Implementing Organization Code Other
Geo Location Bucovăţ, MD
  Longitude 28.45694
  Latitude 47.18861
Start of Commitment 2015-10-20
End of Commitment 2017-02-28
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


The overall goal of the submitted project is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality Bucovat. The project solves the problem of wastewater management and its impact to the environment of the site. Project issue is possible to divide into two thematic issues. The issue of improving the quality of local citizen life is based on an achievement of basic requirements of local citizens. The basic human requirements include the availability of clean drinking water. Uncontrolled release of wastewater into the environment causes the significant pollution of groundwater as well as the surface water. The water is becoming a medium, spreading the pollution not only to the surface water but also to the underground. Subsequent re-pumping of contaminated groundwater and its use for drinking (or even watering gardens) could cause serious health problems to the local inhabitants. Moldovan government classified the water supply protection and development of water and sewer infrastructure for the top of their priorities. Its goal is to gradually increase the proportion of the population with the access to water and sewerage infrastructure. Following the priorities of the Government of Moldova and Medium-term strategy for development cooperation of the Slovak Republic for the years 2014-2018 include the Republic of Moldova and its people among the target groups of Slovak foreign development cooperation. Specific development aid of the proposed project consists of fulfilling two specific objectives of the project. The first one is to reduce the negative impact of produced wastewater on the environment and health of the population of the Bucovat municipality and the surrounding areas. Concentration of produced waste water into sewerage would eliminate the negative impact of faecal pollution emitted from waste water flowing freely at surface to on the surrounding environment. The estimated impact on the health of the population is expected in the longer term period. . Building a sustainable system of waste water treatment (second specific aim of the project) would ensure the cleaning of waste water. Water flowing from the wastewater treatment plant will be free of major pollutants and thus would not pose a risk to humans or the environment. An important part of the project is the public relations campaign. The aim of the campaign is to explain the importance of the sustainable water sources protection. The important target group of the campaign are the children and youngsters.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2015 93 905 € 0 €
2016 0 € 25 960 €
2017 0 € 57 063 €
Total 93 905 € 83 023 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Basic sanitation 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Construction of Sustainable Waste Water Treatment System in the part of Bucovat municipality project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Construction of Sustainable Waste Water Treatment System in the part of Bucovat municipality 83 023 €
Other filtered aid 1 040 712 182 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio