Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

Study visit "Safe and Inclusive Border" from Ukraine

General Information

Funding entity Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic
Recipient Country Ukraine
Implementing Organization Finančné riaditeľstvo SR
Implementing Organization Code Donor Government
Geo Location Ukraine, UA
  Longitude 32.0
  Latitude 49.0
Start of Commitment 2022-09-28
End of Commitment 2022-10-07
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


Study visit for representatives of state institutions of Ukraine to Slovakia - a series of meetings with experts of various Slovak institutions. The topic was implemented in the form of lectures and practical demonstrations of relevant processes. Its focus was on the capacity building of Ukrainian state officials in the field of border and customs services and management, in particular institutional and legislative framework, governance and competencies of Slovak institutions, including practical examples of relevant processes and knowledge exchange, etc. Main topics covered by the Slovak Financial Administration (SFA) were: inspection scanning systems used and technologies deployed by the customs offices at SK (EU) borders/border crossings, performance of customs controls on the Slovak-Ukrainian border, educational system in SFA, activities of the SFA Criminal Office, SFA risk management.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2022 1 992 € 1 992 €
Total 1 992 € 1 992 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Trade facilitation 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Study visit "Safe and Inclusive Border" from Ukraine project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Study visit "Safe and Inclusive Border" from Ukraine 1 992 €
Other filtered aid 1 040 712 182 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio