Aid Details

Bilateral Aid

Scouts Understand the World

General Information

Funding entity Slovak Aid
Recipient Country Bilateral, unallocated
Implementing Organization Slovenské centrum pre komunikáciu a rozvoj, n.o.
Implementing Organization Code Donor country-based NGO
Geo Location
Start of Commitment 2016-10-19
End of Commitment 2018-02-15
Currency EUR
Status OECD approved


The project is prepared and adapted for the Scout youth movement,which has in Slovakia a solid membership base, long tradition, proved structure as well as rules and competencies, which are in compliance with the Global Education.Both, Global Education and Sustainable Development Goals represent educational dimensions, which would further develop activities of every day life of Scouts into correct global intervention. Expertise and competencies derived from the project, multiplication effects of the Global Education principles would support the right steps to understand the concept of the global citizenship, its obligations and responsibilities. As such, the Scouts would better understand the interdependencies of the global world,and the problems of s.c. Third World and interconnection of these problems with the local communities. The overall project objective is to contribute to the crucial role of the Scout Movement, which plays in promoting decent work for all, in expanding the understanding of the global context especially among young people and in preparing future generations to eliminate poverty, promote equality and justice in our globalized world. Specific objectives: - Introduce the concept of GE to the Scouts, themes, principles and methodology of global education to further the educational process through youth Scout leaders, - To inform and explain in a participatory process sustainable development and its application in everyday practice during scouting activities and a daily life, - To raise awareness of local communities on Sustainable Development Goals, but above all to involve community members in implementing SDGs within the framework of the ongoing normal activities of real life.

Commitments and Amount Extended (EUR)

Reporting Year Commitments Amount Extended
2016 6 620 € 5 958 €
2018 0 € 477 €
Total 6 620 € 6 435 €

Sectors share

Sector name Share
Promotion of development awareness (non-sector allocable) 100.0 %


Statistics show the proportion of the Scouts Understand the World project compared to the implementing subject and the type of flow

Comparison based on the region

Other filtered aid Amount extended
Scouts Understand the World 6 435 €
Other filtered aid 1 040 712 182 €
Project/Region Amount Extended Ratio