Tables and graphs

Total aid

Total aid

Activities that are not subject to statutory information disclosure are not published on this website.

Selected filter criteria:
    Project title Executer Funding entity Reporting year Amount extended More
    Building a healthy community through medical outreach, prevention and education NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs) AND CIVIL SOCIETY Slovak Aid 2023 3 000 € Fa search plus
    Enhancing Access to Safe Water Installation of Water Pipelines for Tkibuli Municipality Villages Local Government Slovak Aid 2023 2 800 € Fa search plus
    IFC General and Selective Capital Increases International Finance Corporation Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 2023 3 317 710 € Fa search plus
    Building economic resiliency of communities adjacent to the occupation line along Tskhinvali region/South Ossetia in Georgia University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank Slovak Aid 2023 90 030 € Fa search plus
    AgeVolt e-mobility solution in Kenya Private sector in provider country Slovak Aid 2023 30 000 € Fa search plus
    Slovak Inclusive Growth Account/CEB/ Serbia Council of Europe Development Bank Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 2023 24 800 € Fa search plus
    Participation of the Slovak Republic on the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (Additions to Resources FY2018 through FY2028) International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 2023 140 000 € Fa search plus
    Development of Communities along the ABL around the Tskhinvali region with the focus on local administration and development NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs) AND CIVIL SOCIETY Slovak Aid 2023 5 882 € Fa search plus
    Quality Education – equipment of school facilities University, college or other teaching institution, research institute or think‑tank Slovak Aid 2023 1 774 € Fa search plus
    Steady water supply for an inclusive community NON-GOVERNMENTAL ORGANISATIONS (NGOs) AND CIVIL SOCIETY Slovak Aid 2023 2 964 € Fa search plus
    Volunteer 1 for Malindi Donor country-based NGO Slovak Aid 2023 0 € Fa search plus
    Building inclusive environment for children Other public entities in donor country Slovak Aid 2023 1 988 € Fa search plus
    410 records (page 34 of 35)

    Amount extended by funding entity - Bilateral ODA

    Funding entity Amount extended
    Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 124 031 590 €
    Slovak Aid 8 191 907 €
    Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic 8 111 464 €
    Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic 8 047 881 €
    Ministry of interior of the Slovak Republic 7 524 384 €
    Ministry of education, science, research and sport of the Slovak republic 2 025 414 €
    Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 984 017 €
    Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic 844 820 €
    Ministry of agriculture and rural development of the Slovak republic 730 597 €
    Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic 342 553 €
    Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic 322 330 €
    Office for Slovaks living abroad 302 890 €
    Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic 51 354 €
    Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic 4 185 €