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Multilateral aid

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Project title Funding entity OECD channel of delivery name Reporting year Amount extended More
MONUSCO Contribution 01.07.2022 - 20.12.2022 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic United Nations Department of Peace Operations – UN peacekeeping operations 2022 56 966 € Fa search plus
MINUSCA - Mission in the Central African Republic 16.11.2022 - 30.06.2023 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic United Nations Department of Peace Operations – UN peacekeeping operations 2022 96 313 € Fa search plus
UNFPA Contribution 2022 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic United Nations Population Fund 2022 5 000 € Fa search plus
OIF Voluntary Contribution 2022 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic International Organisation of the Francophonie 2022 11 661 € Fa search plus
IFC General and Selective Capital Increases Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic International Finance Corporation 2022 3 056 969 € Fa search plus
IBRD General and Selective Capital Increases Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2022 2 067 848 € Fa search plus
WMO Contribution 2022 Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic World Meteorological Organisation 2022 3 895 € Fa search plus
EPPO Contribution 2022 (for 2023) Ministry of agriculture and rural development of the Slovak republic European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation 2022 26 420 € Fa search plus
IAEA National Participation Cost for 2022 Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions 2022 3 711 € Fa search plus
MINUSMA Contribution 2022 (01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022) Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic United Nations Department of Peace Operations – UN peacekeeping operations 2022 999 € Fa search plus
CITES Contribution 2022 Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna 2022 7 973 € Fa search plus
COUNCIL OF EUROPE European Court of Human Rights Contribution 2022 Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Council of Europe 2022 16 000 € Fa search plus
69 records (page 2 of 6)

Amount extended by implementing organization code

Implementing organization code Amount extended
European Commission - Development Share of Budget 97 920 000 €
European Commission - European Development Fund 10 532 480 €
International Monetary Fund - Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust 4 000 000 €
International Finance Corporation 3 056 969 €
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2 067 848 €
Green Climate Fund 1 000 000 €
World Trade Organisation - International Trade Centre 729 516 €
Council of Europe 727 869 €
United Nations Department of Peace Operations – UN peacekeeping operations 692 880 €
United Nations Development Programme 607 144 €
Food and Agricultural Organisation 566 464 €
World Health Organisation - assessed contributions 504 423 €
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol 377 058 €
International Labour Organisation - Assessed Contributions 321 799 €
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation 292 572 €
International Atomic Energy Agency - assessed contributions 188 638 €
International Development Association - Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative 140 000 €
International Atomic Energy Agency (Contributions to Technical Cooperation Fund Only) 133 880 €
United Nations Environment Programme 100 000 €
United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 50 000 €
World Food Programme 50 000 €
International Organisation for Migration 47 673 €
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces 30 000 €
International Telecommunications Union 27 870 €
European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation 26 420 €
United Nations 25 921 €
OECD Development Centre 25 853 €
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 25 342 €
International Renewable Energy Agency 22 066 €
Universal Postal Union 22 014 €
International Organisation of the Francophonie 11 661 €
Convention to Combat Desertification 11 641 €
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (extrabudgetary contributions only) 8 782 €
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna 7 973 €
United Nations Population Fund 5 000 €
World Intellectual Property Organisation 3 992 €
World Meteorological Organisation 3 895 €
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe 0 €

Amount extended by funding entity - Bilateral ODA

Funding entity Amount extended
Ministry of Finance of Slovak Republic 117 717 297 €
Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic 1 890 538 €
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 1 514 268 €
Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic 751 582 €
Slovak Aid 637 144 €
Ministry of agriculture and rural development of the Slovak republic 604 525 €
Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic 504 423 €
Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic 322 518 €
Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic 321 799 €
Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic 49 884 €
Ministry of interior of the Slovak Republic 47 673 €
Industrial Property Office of the Slovak Republic 3 992 €

Amount extended by aid type

Type of aid Amount extended
124 365 643 €

Amount extended by aid type

Type of finance Amount extended
Standard grant 119 240 826 €
Capital subscription on deposit basis 5 124 817 €