The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (MFEA) is the national coordinator of Slovak development cooperation. It is responsible for formulating policy, coordinating the preparation of development cooperation and implementing programmes and projects, including the delivery of humantarian aid. MFEA‘s competences in development cooperation have been stipulated after Slovakia’s accession to the OECD (2000) and to the European Union (2004). On the national level, they comply with the Act No. 617/2007 Coll. on Official Development Assistance and the amendment of Act No. 575/2001 Coll. on the Organisation of Activities of the Government and the Central Government.
The Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation (SAIDC), established in 2007, is a budgetary organisation of the MFEA. It is in charge of ODA implementation in compliance with MFEA’s conceptual and programmatic documents. Find more information at
The Ministry of Finance (MF) pursues both bilateral and multilateral development cooperation. Bilaterally, it focuses on sharing Slovakia’s lessons learned in public finance management. MF is also the main stakeholder in Slovakia´s multilateral ODA. It oversees contributions to the EU budget, the European Development Fund and international financial institutions (e.g. the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, etc). Last, MF has partnered with the MFEA to develop the IT system for recording and statistical reporting of development flows.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport (MESRS) awards government scholarships at Slovak public universities to students from developing countries. It also promotes integration of the global education agenda into all levels of education in Slovakia.
The Ministry of Interior (MI SR) provides material humanitarian assistance and sends volunteers from the Slovak Police Corps on international police missions of the EU and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). It is also in charge of handling asylum seekers.
The platform of non-governmental development organizations (Platform of NGDOs) represents 31 Slovak NGOs actively pursuing development cooperation and humanitarian aid. It seeks synergies between member organizations at home and abroad, contributes to the debate on development cooperation policies and raises awareness about development cooperation in the expert and general public. The platform was established in 2003. Find more information at