The WWW.SLOVAKDEV.SK website is the primary site for the presentation tier of RIS.DEV – the information system for recording and statistical reporting of development flows provided by the Slovak Republic. This website meets all of the basic standards of accessibility for public administration information systems stipulated in Decree No. 312/2010 Coll. on Standards for Public Administration Information Systems.
The website attempts to maximize and balance between the accessibility of content and functionality. It is accessible even after turning off the display of images, cascading style sheets (CSS), with a slight limitation in the Java and JavaScript sequences. It is defined in relative units and users can zoom content in and out is easily via standard web browser tools.
The files on the website are published in *.PDF format and offer detailed information on development aid in printed report form. Adobe Reader, available as a free download at the Adobe company website, is required to view these documents. Other files are in *.XLSX format, which can be opened and edited using Microsoft Office programs or other open source applications, and in *.XML format, which can be opened and edited in most commonly used text editors. Tables providing complete data on the Slovak Republic’s development aid for individual years can also be downloaded from the site in *.CSV format, which is a standard for OECD-reported data (CRS++ data files). Instructions for importing CRS++ files into *.XLS format are available in the Downloads section.
Please contact the site's technical administrator at if you experience any problems with the accessibility of the website.
The Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic is the site's operator and content administrator. Datacentrum is the site's technical operator.